The DOL continues what is actually a pretty extraordinary effort with regard to 403(b) plans.  It had struggled early with the new 403(b) changes brought on by the IRS rule changes. It had not really taken a good look at these plans since 1978 when it issued its "safe harbor" which exempted many 403(b) plans from  Title 1 coverage, and I do not recall ever actually dealing with a DOL investigation of a 403(b) plan prior to this year.

DOL staff has kept talking to the accounting, legal and consulting professions, as well as employers and vendors, as they try to sort out  some of the unusual difficulties presented by 403(b) plans. Indeed, the biggest challenge in this market is not related to the tax code, it is in addressing  the mystery of how to define and manage fiduciary issues arising from 403(b) plans funded with individually owned annuity contracts.

The DOL is about to take the next step, and is considering issuing a 403(b) "Frequently Asked Questions" as they have done twice for the Schedule C. The FAQ is to address critical year end 403(b) issues related to reporting and Title 1 status.

While applauding the DOL in its continuing efforts, there is a danger related to one particular issue it may be addressing: the question of how few vendors can be offered by a 403(b) plan (which otherwise qualifies under the safe harbor) without triggering Title 1 coverage.

Putting aside the the very real practical problem of whether a 403(b) plan of a non-church, non-public educational organization can even qualify under the safe harbor because of problems created by the new tax regs, there is a significant issue related to "open architecture" platforms and certain annuity contracts which offer a large number of unrelated investment managers and mutual funds under the programs.

DOL Reg 2510.3-2 (click for a download of the reg) permits the employer to limit the number of vendors which are offered under the plan as long as employees are offered a "reasonable choice." The reg does not specify whether the choice of  "vendor" or "investment" needs to be reasonable.  

The regulations were written 25 years before the first "open architecture" 403(b) programs began showing up, where these large number of mutual funds are made available, and before the advent of a significant number of variable investment alternatives were available under certain annuity contracts. It would not be unreasonable for an employer to take the position that limiting the investments  to a single platform with a large ("reasonable choice") of investment options available would not jeopardize a plan’s "non-Title 1" status.

DOL staff has been discussing publicly for the past year or so the position that any less than 3 vendors would not be considered offering a "reasonable choice," even if the one platform offered a large number of mutual funds unrelated to the "platform vendor."  Should this position be published now, at year’s end, in the FAQ , without any hint of relief for all those plans which had interpreted the "reasonable choice" rule in a good faith manner, the effect can be severely disruptive. There are a significant number of (some very significant) plans which have taken the position that a single platform offering many choices kept them from Title 1 status.

Taking this position now in a FAQ has the same practical effect of issuing a final regulation: employers would take it as THE RULE, immediately effective. There would be no room for a comment period, or proposed corrections or transition periods. In short, this could cause a great deal of problems for a large number of employers.

One other thing. We have seen estimated that there may be some 35,000 or so 403(b) plans, and perhaps less than 20,000 that will be filing Form 5500s.  This number is likely to be sorely underestimated: There are a million or so private charities in this country and at least 14,550 public, k-12 school districts as well. If only 10% of the charities have 403(b) plans, and if almost all school districts have them, we are at least triple the government estimates. As mentioned, the impact of any of these rules will be significant, so their effect needs to be well considered.





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