One of the most important rules which really hasn’t gotten a lot of press is the very new rule under Rev Proc 2019-39 that any “discretionary” 403(b) amendment must-as of January 1, 2020- be adopted by the end of the plan year in which the change to the plan’s operation was made (a “discretionary” amendment, by the way, is one which not required by law).This is actually a very significant change, and one which should not be overlooked.
Continue Reading Take Note of An Important New Amendment Requirement Buried in New 403(b) Remedial Amendment Period Rules
403(b) Remedial Amendment Period
Correcting the “best guesses” on 403(b) Plan terms by using the first 403(b) Remedial Amendment Period under Rev Proc 2017-18
The IRS decided to handle this “best guess” period by announcing that any 403(b) document could be corrected under a new, special 403(b) Remedial Amendment Program, by that new RAP’s end date. It announced that the beginning of the RAP was the required adoption date for 403(b) plan documents (generally, January 1, 2010). The end of the RAP would be announced once the IRS approves its first set of pre-approved 403(b) documents. Once those first pre-approved documents are released, the IRS promised to announce the “end date.” It has now done that, with Rev Proc 2017-18 announcement of March 31, 2020 as the end of the RAP-which also suggest that the pre-approved documents will be released by that date.
Continue Reading Correcting the “best guesses” on 403(b) Plan terms by using the first 403(b) Remedial Amendment Period under Rev Proc 2017-18