Dave Walters, a partner from Bodman, and I led a rousing discussion on ERISA Accounts at the last meeting of the Great Lakes TEGE Council. It was an eye-opening discussion, with the Council members exploring a number of significant issues which many of us had not previously considered. Not only are there a number of ERISA
ERISA Account
ERISA Accounts, Part 2
By Robert Toth on
Posted in Fiduciary Issues
I’ve had a number of responses to my “Timing and the ERISA Account” blog of last week: this topic seems to be front and center with a number of folks right now. Given the sorts of comments I received, I thought I’d expand a bit from that initial, almost cryptic, blog.
“ERISA Accounts,” or “Fee Recapture…
Timing and the ERISA Account
By Robert Toth on
Posted in Fiduciary Issues
It is not often that one gets to hearken back to the very basic law governing 401(a) plans in addressing an issue, but one of the key questions related to the funding of “ERISA Accounts” provides just such an opportunity. One of the most fascinating of the issues related to these accounts (and there are a…